A set of policies, procedures, and technologies that are designed to protect cloud-based systems, data, and infrastructure from internal and external threats

Importance of Cloud Security

Security threats that have become more advanced explicitly target cloud computing providers due to an organization’s overall lack of visibility in data access and movement. Cloud security should be an important topic of discussion regardless of the size of the enterprise to prevent organizations from facing significant governance and compliance risks when managing client information, regardless of where it is stored.

Cloud security also offers many benefits such as centralized security, reduced costs since it delivers proactive security features that offer protection 24/7 with little or no human intervention, reduced administration—all security administration happens in one place and is fully managed on your behalf, and reliability—with the right cloud security measures in place, users can safely access data and applications within the cloud no matter where they are or what device they are using.

Cloud Security


Less Visibility
Users can access cloud services without having to manage it directly through third parties. This results in less control for the provider over the resources.


Public cloud environments can cater to different client infrastructures concurrently. In a case where one of the infrastructure is being targeted by attackers, other infrastructures might get involved as a collateral damage.


Access management
Managing and restricting access points can be challenging in a cloud environment. This might impose higher security risk especially for organizations that allow full access to its services from any device.


Organizations need to comply with regulations. However, it is often confusing for some that use public or hybrid cloud deployment. Responsibility for data privacy and security still depends on the organization and using third-party solutions for this can be costly.


Misconfigured assets, like using default administrative passwords, can lead to inadvertent data breach. In 2019, 86% of the breached records was caused by misconfiguration, making it one of the challenges in cloud environments.

Available Cloud Security Solutions

Identity and access management (IAM)

Tools and services that use IAM provide policy-driven enforcement protocols. Its main feature is the user’s creation of digital identities, which is used for monitoring and restricting purposes during data interactions.

Data loss prevention (DLP)

DLP offers tools and services to secure regulated cloud data. To protect all stored data, it utilizes techniques like data encryption and remediation alerts.

Security information and event management (SIEM)

Using artificial intelligence, SIEM automates monitoring, detection, and response in various threats in cloud-based environments.

Business continuity and disaster recovery

Even when applying preventive measures, data breach and other outages can still occur in a cloud-based infrastructure. An organization should be able to act on it as soon as possible using appropriate tools, solutions, and protocols to ensure the retrieval of the lost data.

Best Practices for Cloud Security